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Qvarsebo Kaffe_latte art
Fresh Coffee Beans

Drink three really good cups - instead of five less good ones!

We always work with quality as the first goal. That's what you feel in the cup - taste & love.
From the berry is picked from the bush until it comes to us and is roasted and then packed for you to buy at home. 


Picture 1: Women picking coffee beans on the farm in Peru Picture 2: Ripe coffee berries


That the prices are raised is also something that is good for the coffee farmers and we have to think that this can also lead to them being able to develop their farms and in the end we get even better coffee. What is less good for us may be a reason for celebration for someone else. 



"Let your smile change the world but do not let the world change your smile"  

-Quotes unknown


In 2021, the world's largest coffee-producing country was hit by both drought and frost, which meant that prices were pushed upwards in the entire coffee industry. 
We have managed to keep our prices down as we have had a large stock - but the new year means new purchases of stock and this means for us that we have to raise our prices.

It is not just the price of coffee that has been raised. Transport prices on ships have also soared and the Euro has risen in value.

On top of that, there is a shortage of paper and our consumables have become more expensive. 

We are of course working to find ways to spread and reduce expenses so that the increase is not too large. We also hope that all of you who drink and appreciate our coffee continue to do just that and also spread the word to friends and acquaintances. It helps us a long way :)


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